How's Your Balance of Energy?


Today I’m sharing some common advice from my distance energy healing business! This is from one person’s channeled reading that came through in their session, but which has also appeared in some form in many other sessions.

“Headaches are often from energy. Housed energy. And when the balance is too high internally - with less expression outward than needed -it must go somewhere, and often in humans it goes into the mind. Yes, yes, yes. Expelling the energy in some ways, physical activity, cardio, sweating. A form of physical activity of intensity, each day coupled with energy removal, will assist in pulling out what is not naturally removed. Moving through the chakras, adjusting each, yet removing energies as well, is a practice one can learn.”

Clearly, energy balancing and flow through the body is an important aspect of good health. This includes - as my past posts have indicated – drinking plenty of water throughout the day!

Here’s to your energetically balanced week!

Channeled Message - Week of March 11, 2018

Here's your channeled message for the week of March 11!

On a side might wonder, why does she offer channels on her distance energy healing page?! part of my healing sessions, each person receives extensive channeled messages just for them!

BUT, I also channel poems, meditations and advice for all of us to enjoy! They come to me in my "free" time, often as I sit to just meditate for myself!

It's clear any opportunity to provide a bit of beauty for your day, is used in it's fullest, so how could I keep them to myself!?

Enjoy and have a beautiful week!

Your Soul Focus


Sharing what helped remind me to focus on myself and my own journey first and foremost!

“Rarely is a person seen to be in a bad way because he has failed to attend to what is happening in someone else’s soul, but those who fail to pay careful attention to the motions of their own souls are bound to be in a wretched state.”

Marcus Aurelius - Roman Emperor and Philosopher
From the book “Meditations”

Release Yourself from the Prison of Guilt


Guilt is such a human emotion.

We batter ourselves with it until we are so beaten down we can think of nothing else. Only that we are constantly drained and in an endless loop of self-imposed suffering.

Like so many misunderstood things in humankind, guilt only harms the one feeling the guilt and has no positive outcome, offering nothing for any of the parties involved.

Why do we feel the pull of guilt in our lives? Where when sadness overtakes us, or some turn of event, we find a way to blame ourselves. Struggling, hurting our self -passionately hurting our self -over these emotions of guilt that will not go away.

How can you overcome guilt? How can you set it aside?

Know that in your deepest heart of hearts, yes, you feel you made mistakes. Review the mistakes you feel you made.

Comfort yourself with the mistakes you made, knowing that you are a human being, who can be fallible at times and that with intent – with good intent – you did all you could at that moment in time. Process the feeling, the knowing, but it must be let go.

For guilt is a most destructive force.

It is with guilt that one feels they could have done something to change things. But it cannot always be. It cannot be that you are the cause of all that occurred with that situation, that person, that time, that event.

For things that happen to one, cannot be controlled by another.

What is under your control is the path you now choose. Know that from this experience that you have learned for your journey forward.

Guilt has presented itself to you in all its finery, but know that it is not lasting. For it is not the truth of you.

Process it, experience it, set it aside. And then be in harmony with yourself. Be comfortable in loving yourself. Do no harm to yourself. For you will take the lessons along your path.

That is the only thing to take forward. Not the sadness of guilt and punishing yourself, imprisoning yourself for all of eternity, in this lifetime.

Offering a Kinder Heart


When you feel like you are struggling with being a kind heart, do this!

With each person you encounter in the next day, look them in the eye, smile and then see one thing in them you appreciate.

You might wonder how you can appreciate someone you don’t know, but you can!

It may take some work at first. But even if it’s as simple as you like the coat they are wearing, you will feel uplifted!

The more you do this, the better you will feel. And the energy that you carry with you from this appreciation will be shared with them, and others, as you move through your day.

I know that in my own day, at times I can mindlessly walk by people as though they do not exist and act as though I live in my own bubble.

Or there are days where I joyfully encounter nearly everyone I meet!

And when I offer this more positive side of myself, invariably I feel lighter and more complete as a person, lifted up by having offered someone a smile, kindness or conversation.

Regardless of their response, or lack thereof, your energy will rise, and you are sure to be uplifted!

Try this for a day or two and pay attention to your feelings. Are you uplifted by what you offer to others, expecting nothing in return? I bet you will be!

3 Healthful Tips for the New Year


Here are 3 healthful tips for the new year! I’m sharing with you today some of the more universal messages I receive, as I complete my energy healing sessions.

1) Flow, flow, flow! I am told “flow is where all goodness comes from”, and without flow, one begins feeling stagnant and the energies cannot run through our bodies most efficiently. So how do you get flow?

2) Water, water, water! As they say, “humans do not drink enough water.” Avoiding artificial drinks is key, and creating flow with consistent intake of pure water will give the energies a pathway for movement. This offers us greater clarity in our day and assists in removing negative energies.

3) Alignment, alignment, alignment! Posture is key to consistent flow. In my sessions, commonly shared advice is “head on neck, neck on shoulders, shoulders back, posture.” So many of us jut our heads forward over our bodies through the day, be it when we walk, read, or work on a computer. This can cause multiple issues, including stress and strain on our neck and upper back, as well as issues with flow.

So, as you begin 2018 in a healthful way, remember the word “flow”, as you journey through your days!

Better Your Life by Living in the Now!


I’m sharing a short reflection from Eckhart Tolle on how to better your life in 10 minutes, by being present in each of our “now” – or “life” - moments!

He asks, “Do you treat this moment as an obstacle to be overcome? Do you feel you have a future moment to get to that is more important? Almost everyone lives like this most of the time.”

Yet, with this way of living comes tension and discontent in most all of our moments!

 Enjoy this short video and become more present in your own life!

The Joyfulness of Gratitude


Gratitude is a part of good health! Really…? Yes! I started a gratitude practice to close out my day with a positive, joyful feeling. And I truly feel the rewards!

Directly before I go to bed, I list three things I am thankful for from that day. I use a separate journal dedicated just for these musings.

Not only do I get to reflect on the goodness of the things that occurred in my day, but I also feel more aware of what my day brought to me. And with this, comes a feeling of happiness and joy for even the littlest things.

We can all find three things we are grateful for, whatever size they are, including things we often take for granted. I've been grateful for running water from my tap! When you think about the life of water you are offered from a faucet, you see it differently. So, list anything and be imaginative!

For an artistic bent to the practice, instead of writing, draw what you are happy for from that day. Not only does this satisfy the inner you - who wishes to be joyful all the time - but it also brings out your creativity!

What better way to end the day thoughtfully and joyfully, closing your eyes to sleep!


Reclaim Your Relationship Energy!


So much of our health is wrapped up in our relationships, yet we often don’t understand this impact!

Healthy relationships are a balance of giving and receiving, for mutual benefit, one to another.

Here’s an article I enjoyed that helps identify when our relationships may be energetically imbalanced, and what you can do about it.


Calling On Angels


Your angels are always with you! In a 2016 Gallup poll, 72% of Americans stated they believed in angels. Yet, during a typical day, most of us don’t even consider their presence in our lives.

What if you did? I do…now.

Over the past year’s journey, I’ve started calling on my angels for many things, from waking at night not able to sleep, to getting a great parking space. Really!

If you want to form a relationship with your angels, first make an intent to do so. Speak it out loud or within your heart to them. Let them know you desire to have them as an active part of your life. Then, simple ask!

When I awake at night with the occasional anxious thought I say, “Angels – please remove these anxious thoughts from me now and help me get back to sleep! Thank you!” Invariably within minutes I feel a release and comfort come over me, and soon I’m asleep again.

Remember, they are here to help! You need only ask with gratitude, and have patience.

If you are interested in learning more about angels, check out one of my favorite authors - Lorna Byrne!

Energy Healing - The Missing Link with Chemotherapy?


Is energy healing the missing link with chemotherapy? Could energy healing be paired with chemotherapy to ease the side effects for the person in treatment, offering renewed energy and fewer, or no ill feelings?

This is what I’m looking to learn and study further with my distance energy healing practice. Through work with a client over the past two weeks, I’m seeing very promising results – even stunning results!

To further this work, I’m looking to work with 3 other individuals as they go through their chemotherapy rounds. The sessions are free.

In exchange, volunteers agree to share their medical situation, and stay in communication at least weekly. Updates will include how they are feeling since their energy healing session, and their chemotherapy treatment schedules, so we can determine how often energy healings are needed, etc.

All information shared is confidential.

For more detail on what a session is like with me, please read my pinned post.

I feel a bright future for what I see as a potential solution to many of the side effects of chemotherapy.

If you or someone you know is enduring chemotherapy and would like to have the potential for feeling better during the treatments, and who also desires to help me with these studies, please message me via Facebook or email me at

I'll also eventually post an updated blog on results and findings. So stay tuned!

Thank you and please share far and wide!

Your Root Chakra - Stay Connected!


I think I just discovered my root chakra!

Do you sometimes feel like you have too much energy flowing through you? Or that its totally controlling you? How about a random, flighty feeling as though you are walking a bit off the ground?

You might -like me – realize that you are not as connected to the ground beneath your feet as you thought! Sure, your feet are physically and firmly planted on the ground, but I’m talking about the unseen energetic connection.

Our chakra system allows the energy of the Earth and the Ethers to extend through to us in our physical being, providing the opportunity for health and well-being, as well as a connection to both.

The power of the root, or first chakra – located at the base of the spine - allows us to feel very rooted in our human physicality, in our security and truly a part of the Earth.

If you have been feeling a bit disconnected lately, possibly you could use a good dose of grounding this chakra. Here’s a wonderful short meditation - that did just this - helping me feel calmer, centered and connected!

And I’m including a link for connecting in with and further experiencing your chakra system and the power behind it when you do!

Check out Chakra Mantras for more detail!

The Most Powerful Energy Boost!


Nature – a personalized power pack of energy right in front of you! Recently I found myself feeling ungrounded, floaty and almost nauseous.

Turns out I realized that this nature girl hadn't been “naturized” for about a week!

So, I packed up my bike and spent the entire day journeying through places I didn’t know existed.

And to top off an incredible day outdoors, I was offered a series of fortunate events that led me to the pinnacle of my day – visiting a National Wildlife Refuge that is nearly in my back yard.

These refuges are not just any nature experience. They are huge expanses of wildness that reach far and wide. With them you are taken to experience their full glory, getting swallowed up in emotion.

I’ve never felt so energized and connected to the great beauty of our Earth. It was made even more powerful that I was now experiencing - for the first time - a real prairie in my mid-western home state. Today, few remain.

Three days later, I still felt incredibly energized from that day-long experience!

I highly recommend a National Wildlife Refuge near you, for what is a truly jaw-dropping, humbling and tremendously reconnecting experience. Look one up near you, and visit soon!