March 2023 Ascension & Energy Update!

Join me for the March 2023 Ascension & Energy Update and a continued glimpse of 2023 to come!

The Times Are Telling

“The times are telling.

So, what to do

when all around feels like chaos too?

Concern and worry look at you each day

in the faces you see in your way.

At times you sink yourself in too,

heading down a path not meant for you.

Wondering why and how things

could change so fast

and now what feels like they will forever last.

But change they do and evermore,

the way of the worlds, back and forth.

Events come and they go and

a step forward humankind goes.

But often it feels like backwards to be.

Trust us though, it is for the best - you will see.

And see you will with inner knowing too,

that all on the surface is not your due.

For underneath you will find

how difficulties can change into the best of times.

For you are now finding your way

as a collective of souls -not separate -

but instead, One, always.

However, it is this time too,

where learning is here for each of you.

Decisions will be made in which way you go.

Will you open up your heart

and let the brightness sow?

Or will you dig down and bury yourself too,

in the infighting that humans do?

Choices each you have, it is true.

So, look deeper at this time’s meaning for you.

The path of love and light is in front of you today,

yet all of the changes around

will swirl and spin and take some away.

Which way will you choose in these ever-changing days?”

The LightKeepers/Carolyn Hass Zaiser

Your Own Pace

“Feel your way through your day.

Yet, use the conscious mind to see,

but your deep inner knowing

to navigate through the detail

you find in front of you.

Times will come

where you feel rushed in your day

and like a robot moving through

to just get things done.

But take a deep breath

and step back when you feel

too much rushed, and yet still,

you know there is a better way,

if you just take a moment and find

the breath that remains

to take you to stillness of mind.

So, move back from your hurried day,

regroup and reclaim the one –

the inner you, the truest of true,

the guide of all - here to help you through

with ease and grace -

this, the soul of you,

moving at your own pace”

The LightKeepers/Carolyn Hass Zaiser

February 2023 Ascension & Energy Update!

Join me for the February 2023 Ascension & Energy Update and a continued glimpse of 2023 to come!

Remember to Like, Share & Subscribe for more of this content! Thanks for being here!

Fly Free

“Fly free to the skies

in the nighttime of the divine.

You are taken on wing

and yet not aware in your conscious mind,

of all the things you so dare.

So, sleep tight and understand too

that all you dream about is a part of you -

oftentimes too you'll find,

memories from the soul journey of all times.

But more often, work that you do

for the collective of all souls

who travel this journey too.

Sometimes disturbing dreams, you find,

memories that come up of past lives

that you will seldom unwind in daytime.

But know that this mystical time of dreams

across the nighttime skies

is purposeful, real and true -

part of you of things that you do.

Or processing from other lives, we say,

and things that no longer serve you today.

So, rest your weary eyes and know

that nothing there is without purpose to sow

of all that is good and coming your way

in this - your life journey of all time today.”

The LightKeepers/Carolyn Zaiser

January 2023 Ascension & Energy Update & 2023 Preview!

Join me for the January 2023 Ascension & Energy Update, which includes how you can learn from fear that rears it's head in your journey and it's relationship to our feelings or "separateness" or "separation!

I use my experience for you to learn from and also offer you a glimpse into the energies of January and the "creative expansion" coming for 2023.

Remember to Like, Share & Subscribe too!

Thanks for joining me and Happy New Year!

Create From Within

"Create from within your life to be.

For you are the one who holds the key.

Breaking through space and time,

the human constructs too, we find.

Nothing holds you back today,

even familial roots

or difficult experiences you have seen.

For they are all learning tools

to launch you out of the human stew.

Now you begin to transcend and see

all of which you are made of today.

And that what you wish for your future too -

this beautiful incarnation you came to do -

is created from the inside out of you

not the outside in, we say.

So, center yourself and always know

while you observe situations that are sown,

it is how you choose them, we say,

and what your reactions are in your day

that now present you with choices too –

of what you will create out of it too.

Your life is your own always, we say.

Keep this in mind as you forge your path

and memories in your way.

Create now from this you do,

as these times awaken in you."

The LightKeepers/Carolyn Zaiser

December 2022 Ascension & Energy Update!

Join me for the December 2022 Ascension & Energy Update and a glimpse into 2023!

The Key

"Release, fly free.

Imprisoning yourself you do.

The jail cell of your mind.

Tight control you have.

Grab the key and run.

For you now understand that you are both -

the prisoner and the jail keeper.

Choose which you will be.

Let yourself go, fly free."

Carolyn Hass Zaiser

The Quiet Spaces

“What is it of solitude that

causes one to lose grip of self-

letting go of all that holds one tight.

Frightening it can be when the quiet spaces

reveal what has been hidden inside.

What has been pushed aside, now is known,

no longer able to offer safe haven for

what has been ignored.

Might you now see,

as you journey through these times,

that instead you have now found the best of you -

long hidden within.”

The LightKeepers/Carolyn Zaiser

Stronger Than You Know

"You may turn and run from all you fear.

But it is not within you to be guided and steered

to a place you do not want to go.

For you are stronger than you know.

Thinking for yourself, you see these times

that come your way to keep your mind

held back from all that you are,

when others offer you only darker days by far.

But you know that fear is created in the mind

and not your naturally state to find.

So, toss it aside and look within

to see that you are stronger than any fear could begin

to eat away and keep you frozen and still,

and only focused on the greater of the swill.

You look past it and see it for what it is,

and let it pass you by as one more whiff

of the human state that has been.

But now no more will it be,

for within you now live and see,

the drama of the outside to be.

Let it go and find your way,

driven only from the joyous and loving,

kindhearted ways, of the deepest of your soul today

that has forever been you, now and always.”

The LightKeepers/Carolyn Zaiser

Break Out

“When you find yourself in troubled times,

and it feels like no light shines

from you or anyone, we say,

break out and do something different in your way.

Refocus the mind, even if for a short time.

For often, we say, when one is

sinking into the human ways

it becomes the “rabbit hole” in time.

Bringing you to a darker mind.

Making things even worse too.

So, know that you are all powerful, we say,

even if you don’t feel it today.

Start by taking one thing too.

Pull yourself out of the abyss for you.

And do a new thing,

or just get up and out the door today.

And then do more of this too,

changing up the energy in you.

For oftentimes, humans find

they are their “worst enemy”

when they let the mind work overtime.

So, when you feel this coming on,

lean in and feel it too.

Let the emotion go and not stuff it down in you.

But also keep moving on,

pulling from the soul -

the strength of you all day long.

Let it surface and lighten your way,

and lead you to a brand-new day.”

The LightKeepers/Carolyn Hass Zaiser

The Light Inside

“Take the light from deep inside
and make up your mind to let it shine,
despite what seems you could never do
when others think you’re not good enough too.

Or that you can’t find your way
because you aren’t of their kind, they say.
Toss that aside and let it go.
Runaway to the light of your own soul.
Retreat within to the heart of you.
The spark of the Creator is deep inside,
there for you to find, again, in time.

Regardless of what others make you feel,
break loose and look them in the eye.
Know that you can be more
and do not shrink from them in time.
Only a lesson they are for you, we say,
to confront what keeps you, from you, always.

A stronger version of yourself you will be
now that you look the other way.
Running toward all that is true,
the deepest of your soul
where all answers lie too.
Here you find now you can be
all you ever wished, oh yes, you will see.”

The LightKeepers/Carolyn Hass Zaiser

Show The Way

“Oh, your gifts you will wonder at times,

as you travel this awakening journey of life.

Will knowings come, or seeing too,

or hearing from the multitudes?

But sometimes you wonder

if any are meant for you.

Yet still, the magic of this time you feel inside,

even if you don’t hear or see a thing in time.

For signs and messages have come your way

and you feel a greater shift and change.

Meant for all and all for one,

you know it is the change that has come

to you and all - and yet some more than most

will be the first to offer a toast.

So, enjoy knowing that you here

are the earlier ones, come to offer cheer

for the gathering of others

following on the steps in your way.

For this is the greatest gift you are given -

being a “Wayshower” in humanity’s awakening today.”

The LightKeepers/Carolyn Hass Zaiser

Break The Silence

"Break the silence with your voice

that speaks in tongues,

yet words have been left unsaid.

And all the while you turn away

from it that wishes to speak

from your deep inside,

the song of you to sing again.

The one that has been so deep within.

Powerless you have felt and insignificant too.

Why would anyone listen to you?

But it is this time, oh we find,

that those whose voices have been left behind

are now the ones who lead the way

of this great awakening today.

Yes - you the one - a common human too.

Now it is your turn

for your voice to be heard.

Twists and changes are coming you see.

The energies shift in your favor in the coming days.

So, take this time to look within

and see how what you do and say can begin

to join with the others along this way,

to create the brightest of these new days.”

The LightKeepers/Carolyn Hass Zaiser

Bright Light

"Who are you to find?

Oh yes - a bright light of the divine.

Dim sometimes you feel,

but nevermore are you still.

The light is always there for you to find.

Shimmering and waiting inside,

for you to dig deep too,

understanding the fullness of you.

Brought to the surface now in these times.

Awakening you are to the metamorphosis,

as deep inside you become a new you.

This is the transformation -

the kind that brings you back to learn

that this is who you have been all the time.

Only the human haze has kept you

from recognizing this within.

Now you begin to look at the whole of you.

Knowing that you have always been

who you are finding, once again."

The LightKeepers/Carolyn Hass Zaiser

Trying Times

“During trying times

when you do not understand

which way to go and then

fear darkens your eyes,

step back and breathe too.

For getting too close to the drama

will pull you in and not let you go.

And then you no longer

hear your own immortal soul.

For the light of your deep inside

never fails to blind with its insight.

But it must have a place at the table

of things you choose to listen to.

So, when you start getting whipped up -

as so many humans do as they hear

what is happening today -

step back and reflect and instead,

go your own way.

Not an ostrich with its head in the sand,

but instead, now being able to be

the observer instead -

one who can be a comfort to others, we find -

the Lightworker in you - during difficult times.”

The LightKeepers/Carolyn Hass Zaiser

Where Is The Love?

"Where do you find the love

comes from for you?

Outside yourself or deep within?

At the core of love

is how you look at your Self.

Deeper than the rivers wide

and the oceans' strongest tide,

you will find the soul of you

speaks volumes about your love.

For when you fill your cup first,

and drink it fully, more comes to you.

Now you share in ways you

never could have imagined.

The love that you now sow for you,

allows a new giving to others,

so all can be whole."

The LightKeepers/Carolyn Hass Zaiser

The Puzzle Of You

It is a journey to find our own "pieces"!

"A hunger for something new -

at times you feel it too.

Stifled in your way.

Wishing to jump out of your skin.

Moving forward escapes you.

Where are you going, you wonder.

Subtle shifts come, but in-between

and often you'll find quiet times,

where uncertainty reigns.

But this is most assuredly part

of the ascension of you, we find.

So, when this comes your way

as it most certainly does for everyone -

feel it and know it, and understand too

that all of this will pass.

And the next thing you know,

you will look back and see

how this was all meant to be.

The puzzle of you,

becoming complete."

The LightKeepers/Carolyn Hass Zaiser

Choose With Abandon

"Sink your teeth into this life

and choose with abandon

the way forward.

Drink of all sweetness

and taste the bitter fruit

as you fly in the face of tradition

and blaze your own trail.

Make this the quest of your soul

as you grasp for all you can

in the glory of this life that is yours."

The LightKeepers/Carolyn Zaiser