Join me for a December Solstice update with a special message from the LightKeepers and as we talk about the times we are in and what you may expect as we move forward! Thanks for watching!
Your Heart
"Your heart is like an ocean.
A depth of place.
Waves of emotion roll from you.
Vast reach to the shoreline
of those who need your caring heart.
Or, often, those you dare share
all you know of feeling.
You risk all and then take back too.
Tide comes in and out of your feelings.
But it breaks in time,
as the waves are of strength - or sublime,
gently resting as your mind
finds a place of healing grace.
Or, then again, when great emotion enters in
and calm waters find you there,
sinking into the depth of despair.
And then comes in time
a new current that will flow -and once again -
you ride, feeling joyousness and strength.
This in your heart, again, you find."
The LightKeepers/Carolyn Hass Zaiser
Create From Within
"Create from within your life to be.
For you are the one who holds the key.
Breaking through space and time,
the human constructs too, we find.
Nothing holds you back today,
even familial roots
or difficult experiences you have seen.
For they are all learning tools
to launch you out of the human stew.
Now you begin to transcend and see
all of which you are made of today.
And that what you wish for your future too -
this beautiful incarnation you came to do -
is created from the inside out of you
not the outside in, we say.
So, center yourself and always know
while you observe situations that are sown,
it is how you choose them, we say,
and what your reactions are in your day
that now present you with choices too –
of what you will create out of it too.
Your life is your own always, we say.
Keep this in mind as you forge your path
and memories in your way.
Create now from this you do,
as these times awaken in you."
The LightKeepers/Carolyn Zaiser
December 2022 Ascension & Energy Update!
Join me for the December 2022 Ascension & Energy Update and a glimpse into 2023!
The Key
"Release, fly free.
Imprisoning yourself you do.
The jail cell of your mind.
Tight control you have.
Grab the key and run.
For you now understand that you are both -
the prisoner and the jail keeper.
Choose which you will be.
Let yourself go, fly free."
Carolyn Hass Zaiser
The Quiet Spaces
“What is it of solitude that
causes one to lose grip of self-
letting go of all that holds one tight.
Frightening it can be when the quiet spaces
reveal what has been hidden inside.
What has been pushed aside, now is known,
no longer able to offer safe haven for
what has been ignored.
Might you now see,
as you journey through these times,
that instead you have now found the best of you -
long hidden within.”
The LightKeepers/Carolyn Zaiser