spiritual awakening mentoring

Brave The Days

"Brave the days as you gather yourself

to shine your light - above all else -

through the smile of yours and eyes so bright.

Train your eye and senses delight

to those who need what you offer too

of what you have gained in these months long

of the past year that many say has "gone wrong".

You see, you know and feel it too

that the best for you to do

in these times of struggle in your way

is to lighten your step and know too

this is how new earth will be built – through you.

With the grace of each day

you wake up and feel your way

to shine a little brighter now too.

For you carry such greatness in you

to affect and sweep away more than you know

of negativity and hatred and sorrow of those

who feel like the world is about to explode.

For this is how it begins we say,

the raw need for the greatest change.

Yet, see it not for what it is, as many don’t,

but you do instead.

So, as you gather yourself in your way -

for you are human too and wonder some days –

know that you are the light that shines through

even the greatest darkness that comes out of the blue.

For it will come from your deep inside,

the new earth created in time.

And then at one time -oh yes all –

each will look to the other and say,

“how did we ever live any other way”?”

The LightKeepers/Carolyn Hass Zaiser

Can You See

“Can you see,

or often instead

blind of the little things

most take for granted.

And when those things come

crashing to the ground,

the thread you hang onto

is bound and tethered to you.

But hang to it, oh yes, you do.

Then you realize

how less independent

you really are too,

and not far from others in your way.

For all of you are connected

more deeply than you can imagine today.

And when destruction comes your way

you see it and come together -

no more one alone are you today.

The true nature of you

quickly arises – the One Soul of you

that fills the human with gratitude

for the things you may not have, we say,

even if for a short time in your day.

Yet how quickly too you can forget

when your days return, blue skies again -

until the next storm.

So, learn from these times we say.

Never forget you are One in your way

of those you find on the path with you.

And we ask you, never let gratitude

for the ways you have of being today

to slip through your hands

like grains of sand.

Instead look deeply at all around you -

the little things you find

you took for granted.

But not this time.

The people in your way,

calling you today

to join in too,

finding all of the multitudes

singing praises of gratitude.”

The LightKeepers/Carolyn Hass Zaiser

Be The Way

"Be the way,

the truth

and the light.

For you are

and evermore shall be."

The LightKeepers/Carolyn Hass Zaiser

The Winds Of Time

"The winds of time blow across your face

freezing you often into a place

of fear and worry and strife.

Yet, when the sun shines bright one day

and you meet its most holy gaze,

suddenly you start to soften within.

For a quaking it is

when the waking up takes hold.

The sun shines once more

to offer you new growth

along your way of this great change within.

The thaw of the Soul you see now begins."

The LightKeepers/Carolyn Hass Zaiser

Chase Your Dreams

“Chase your dreams into the skies.

And as you soar, turn your eye

away from those who say -

“you can’t fly!”

But yes, you can, and don’t listen to

those who only speak untruth.

To the highest cloud you’ll go,

with all your passions and inspiration to sow.

For what is out there is just for you.

But grab the gold ring you must do,

and take the chance that you have now

to live this life of yours out loud.”

The LightKeepers/Carolyn Hass Zaiser

Never Turn A Blind Eye

“Never turn a blind eye

to your deep inside -

the Soul calling out

for you to find

that all you need

is within you too,

if you just stop and listen

in quietude.”

The LightKeepers/Carolyn Hass Zaiser

Your Heart

"Your heart is like an ocean.

A depth of place.

Waves of emotion roll from you.

Vast reach to the shoreline

of those who need your caring heart.

Or, often, those you dare share

all you know of feeling.

You risk all and then take back too.

Tide comes in and out of your feelings.

But it breaks in time,

as the waves are of strength - or sublime,

gently resting as your mind

finds a place of healing grace.

Or, then again, when great emotion enters in

and calm waters find you there,

sinking into the depth of despair.

And then comes in time

a new current that will flow -and once again -

you ride, feeling joyousness and strength.

This in your heart, again, you find."

The LightKeepers/Carolyn Hass Zaiser

Gold Digger's Delight

“Look you do, but you do not see.

What is on the inside is brighter

than light of the stars in the heavens at night,

and more than the gold

that you see that is bought and sold.

For what is so deep inside you true,

is more than money could ever buy one too.

So, look at yourself with love and light

and know that deep inside

is your own gold digger’s delight.”

The LightKeepers/Carolyn Hass Zaiser

September 2024 Ascension & Energy Update!

Join me for the September 2024 Ascension & Energy Update as we talk about the times we are in and what you may expect as we move forward! Thanks for watching!

If you'd like to work with me or inquire about my services of spiritual awakening mentoring, distance energy healing and/or personalized channeled messages sessions, contact me at https://purplerainhealing.com/

Safe You Are

“Safe you are in our hands,

as you travel across the lands -

here to help you through

what is needed in your human life too.

A built-in support system, yes, you have,

but long lost this has been.

Only ask and you shall receive

and do so with gratitude, please.

Help comes in many ways,

often not what you think should be

and then still, it can be immediately.

So, have patience and stay faithful too,

for your angels and guides are always with you.”

The LightKeepers/Carolyn Hass Zaiser

You Play Your Life

"You play your life

by choosing delights

and often plights,

yet face it head on,

smiling as you go along.

At times, tears all day long.

But knowing that this is

your life you make,

trial and error

and success - more if you dare.

For it is true,

the wholeness of you is in

taking charge of what is yours –

this life that is here.

Your time now to breathe

and make your voice heard,

in the way that is yours.

And when the choices come your way,

know that it is for you

to feel your way across this time,

living life out loud and not sublime."

The LightKeepers/Carolyn Hass Zaiser

August 2024 Ascension & Energy Update!

Join me for the August 2024 Ascension & Energy Update as we talk about the times we are in and what you may expect as we move forward!

Thanks for watching! If you'd like to work with me or inquire about my services of spiritual awakening mentoring, distance energy healing and/or personalized channeled messages sessions, contact me at https://purplerainhealing.com/

Don't Let Them

“Don’t let them

-those who say they know-

tell you that magic is not so.

For as you consider

your life brought from the stars,

isn’t it the most magical by far?

And yes, it comes with difficulty too

during the life journey, often, it is true.

But look more closely even at you -

a miracle you are standing there.

Magic happened to bring you here

in this body that you have -

regardless of the trials it has seen.

Just know that you are a work of art,

brought together by stardust afar.

Now here you live and breathe and feel

the preciousness of life instilled

by this journey that you make.

And then you begin to remember too,

looking outside of the magic that is you.

The crystals of light that speak, they do,

and gods and goddesses were real too.

The dragons and the mermaids from the seas,

loving beings from planets afar to be -

partners by your side they are.

Angels and guides on hand, you see

asking you to call on them, if you please.

All of this begins to feel mystical in your way.

For it is, and never let it be contained

or hidden again from your sight,

for all the magic of this journey

now begins with might.”

The LightKeepers/Carolyn Hass Zaiser

Your Life

“Your life is built upon constructs in humankind

that you have collected in your own mind.

Serve they do, until they don’t,

and now you find that your mind floats

to a place that is not boxed in today

from the framework of what has been

worked within for eons, we say.

Now it begins, the tumbling down,

the structures you thought that were here forevermore.

But now they are imploding, right at your door.

For when one starts to see,

you soon realize, that it was only one way to be.

So many possibilities exist

as the time of rebuilding comes alive.

Subtle changes and then explosive in time

and to say – “no more will it be this way” -

as this is how a new earth is built, day by day.

Created by each and every one of you

taking a stand and breaking out, we say too,

of ways that no longer serve today,

not only you, but the collective in your way.

For when the energy reaches a height,

no more can the old ways live in this light.

This is the beginning of a brand-new day

as you take the reins of leading the way.

The Light of all time you are, you know,

embodied in a human form to bestow

change that now comes at a pace,

as each looks at the other with holy grace.”

The LightKeepers/Carolyn Hass Zaiser

Be Gentle

“Be gentle with yourself

during these times.

Often the human

can push beyond the lines

of what the soul wishes, we say,

for your own good in your day.

For you at times,

are your "worst enemy", it is true.

Distractions that come

from within the self of you

are more marked than

what most others do to you in your day.

And when you sink into these times,

of pressuring yourself

from your human mind

you negate the beauty of the soul, we say too,

that wishes to offer flow to you.

So, give yourself grace

along this journey in time,

for your path will be brighter

most certainly, we find.

And know that when

you lighten up on you,

so much else around you will too.”

The LightKeepers/Carolyn Hass Zaiser

July 2024 Ascension & Energy Update!

Join me for the July 2024 Ascension & Energy Update as we talk the times we are in and what to expect as we move forward!

Thanks for watching! If you'd like to work with me or inquire about my services of spiritual awakening mentoring, distance energy healing and/or personalized channeled messages sessions, contact me at https://purplerainhealing.com/

Who Are You?

“Who are you to find?

A bright light you are of the divine.

Dim sometimes you feel,

but nevermore are you still.

The light is always there for you,

shimmering and waiting inside,

for you to dig deep too,

understanding the fullness of you.

Brought to the surface now in these times,

awakening you are to the metamorphosis too,

as deep inside you are becoming a new you.

But still, we say, this is the transformation -

the kind that brings you back to find

that this is who you have been all the time.

Only the human haze has kept you

from recognizing this within.

Now you begin to look at the whole of you-

knowing that you have always been

who you are finding, again, today.”

The LightKeepers/Carolyn Hass Zaiser

A Sacred Space

“A sacred space is your heart,

broken open and apart.

Be gentle with it and true.

Keep the important things close to you.

For some things are meant, we say,

as a treasure chest just for you today.

So, use discretion as you find

what the divine wishes

to impart to you in time.

Settle in and learn too

what your deepest heart is telling you.

When broken open and wide,

take the time to slip inside

and see the rawness and pain in your way.

Feel again once more - or twice - we say.

For as you open up to you,

your feelings, the deepest and true,

you open up space

for more and greater love to come your way.

A cavernous space you will then fill,

as you whisk away the things that only

held you down from letting go.

Opening your heart to abound

to others who are in your way -

great loves and friendships and people too

who need the light, deep inside of you.

Yet, the greatest gift of this you see

is that you at first again, love thee.

You the light of all time,

now filled to overflowing for yourself, you find.

For this is when the gates open too,

a flood of love from others comes to you,

when your bright light of the divine shines

for yourself first and foremost in time.”

The LightKeepers/Carolyn Hass Zaiser

Come To The Edge

“Come to the edge of the cliff and find.

Looking down you wonder -

where does it go in time?

Across the way you see too,

how bridges are meant for you

to shorten your way and ease your mind,

as you reach the other side.

But when the bridge is not seen there

to give you only comfort and care,

you must find your own way too,

across the wide chasm staring at you.

And forage your way and wander you do.

For often you get lost,

as fear and worry come over you.

At times on your way to the other side,

it feels so bright and you hope for the best

but the path is long and treacherous.

You wonder how you ever got here,

making something difficult too,

of a life you thought was meant for you.

Instead now, you find,

the ropes that tied you to each side,

have been cut -

and now you look at the chasm wide.

Nowhere to go and backwards can’t be

for you are growing more than you see.

For with this great journey you’ll find -

although fearsome looking as you glance far wide -

it is what you came - oh, to do -

a changed version you will be too.

For when you come face to face

with change that looks you straight in the eye,

the greatest of you comes to the surface

and you find out quickly why.

A path least taken in the forest glade,

alone it feels as you trudge each day.

But the journey takes your breath away

as you encounter along the way

things you had never known

could be part of life today.

A fresher step you take now too,

as you get used to how you know what to do.

And as you find your way in time -

having taken steps that caused you to

experience great beauty,

yet at times frightening for you -

you realize none of this would be seen

had you stayed on the other side,

but cross you must, for you go with the tide.

Now you look up and you see

the highest pathway that is meant for thee.

Coming into focus the next steps in your way

from the times that took your breath away,

yet filled you with experience that could never

have happened any other way.

Up above now you are so high,

looking across the vast countryside.

You see the light and focus too

on the new horizon in front of you.

The journey now begins a new day.

Look back no more in your way,

for the path you took that you feared at one time

has made you into who you are, you find.

For standing tall now it is true,

is the brand new, greater version of you.”

The LightKeepers/Carolyn Hass Zaiser

Brave The Days

"Brave the days as you gather yourself

to shine your light - above all else -

through the smile of yours and eyes so bright.

Train your eye and senses delight

to those who need what you offer too

of what you have gained in these months long

of the past year that many say has "gone wrong".

You see, you know and feel it too

that the best for you to do

in these times of struggle in your way

is to lighten your step and know too

this is how new earth will be built – through you.

With the grace of each day

you wake up and feel your way

to shine a little brighter now too.

For you carry such greatness in you

to affect and sweep away more than you know

of negativity and hatred and sorrow of those

who feel like the world is about to explode.

For this is how it begins we say,

the raw need for the greatest change.

Yet, see it not for what it is, as many don’t,

but you do instead.

So, as you gather yourself in your way -

for you are human too and wonder some days –

know that you are the light that shines through

even the greatest darkness that comes out of the blue.

For it will come from your deep inside,

the New Earth created in time.

And then at one time -oh yes all –

each will look to the other and say,

“how did we live any other way”?”