Brave The Days

"Brave the days as you gather yourself

to shine your light - above all else -

through the smile of yours and eyes so bright.

Train your eye and senses delight

to those who need what you offer too

of what you have gained in these months long

of the past year that many say has "gone wrong".

You see, you know and feel it too

that the best for you to do

in these times of struggle in your way

is to lighten your step and know too

this is how new earth will be built – through you.

With the grace of each day

you wake up and feel your way

to shine a little brighter now too.

For you carry such greatness in you

to affect and sweep away more than you know

of negativity and hatred and sorrow of those

who feel like the world is about to explode.

For this is how it begins we say,

the raw need for the greatest change.

Yet, see it not for what it is, as many don’t,

but you do instead.

So, as you gather yourself in your way -

for you are human too and wonder some days –

know that you are the light that shines through

even the greatest darkness that comes out of the blue.

For it will come from your deep inside,

the new earth created in time.

And then at one time -oh yes all –

each will look to the other and say,

“how did we ever live any other way”?”

The LightKeepers/Carolyn Hass Zaiser