Your Life

“Your life is built upon constructs in humankind

that you have collected in your own mind.

Serve they do, until they don’t,

and now you find that your mind floats

to a place that is not boxed in today

from the framework of what has been

worked within for eons, we say.

Now it begins, the tumbling down,

the structures you thought that were here forevermore.

But now they are imploding, right at your door.

For when one starts to see,

you soon realize, that it was only one way to be.

So many possibilities exist

as the time of rebuilding comes alive.

Subtle changes and then explosive in time

and to say – “no more will it be this way” -

as this is how a new Earth is built, day by day,

by each and every one of you

taking a stand and breaking out, we say too,

of ways that no longer serve today,

not only you, but the collective in your way.

For when the energy reaches a height,

no more can the old ways live in this light.

It is the beginning of a brand-new day

as you take the reins of leading the way.

The Light of all time you are, you know,

embodied in a human form to bestow

change that now comes at a pace,

as each looks at the other with holy grace.”

The LightKeepers/Carolyn Hass Zaiser