Show The Way

“Oh, your gifts you will wonder at times,

as you travel this awakening journey of life.

Will knowings come, or seeing too,

or hearing from the multitudes?

But sometimes you wonder

if any are meant for you.

Yet still, the magic of this time you feel inside,

even if you don’t hear or see a thing in time.

For signs and messages have come your way

and you feel a greater shift and change.

Meant for all and all for one,

you know it is the change that has come

to you and all - and yet some more than most

will be the first to offer a toast.

So, enjoy knowing that you here

are the earlier ones, come to offer cheer

for the gathering of others

following on the steps in your way.

For this is the greatest gift you are given -

being a “Wayshower” in humanity’s awakening today.”

The LightKeepers/Carolyn Hass Zaiser