Reclaim Your Relationship Energy!


So much of our health is wrapped up in our relationships, yet we often don’t understand this impact!

Healthy relationships are a balance of giving and receiving, for mutual benefit, one to another.

Here’s an article I enjoyed that helps identify when our relationships may be energetically imbalanced, and what you can do about it.


Calling On Angels


Your angels are always with you! In a 2016 Gallup poll, 72% of Americans stated they believed in angels. Yet, during a typical day, most of us don’t even consider their presence in our lives.

What if you did? I do…now.

Over the past year’s journey, I’ve started calling on my angels for many things, from waking at night not able to sleep, to getting a great parking space. Really!

If you want to form a relationship with your angels, first make an intent to do so. Speak it out loud or within your heart to them. Let them know you desire to have them as an active part of your life. Then, simple ask!

When I awake at night with the occasional anxious thought I say, “Angels – please remove these anxious thoughts from me now and help me get back to sleep! Thank you!” Invariably within minutes I feel a release and comfort come over me, and soon I’m asleep again.

Remember, they are here to help! You need only ask with gratitude, and have patience.

If you are interested in learning more about angels, check out one of my favorite authors - Lorna Byrne!

Energy Healing - The Missing Link with Chemotherapy?


Is energy healing the missing link with chemotherapy? Could energy healing be paired with chemotherapy to ease the side effects for the person in treatment, offering renewed energy and fewer, or no ill feelings?

This is what I’m looking to learn and study further with my distance energy healing practice. Through work with a client over the past two weeks, I’m seeing very promising results – even stunning results!

To further this work, I’m looking to work with 3 other individuals as they go through their chemotherapy rounds. The sessions are free.

In exchange, volunteers agree to share their medical situation, and stay in communication at least weekly. Updates will include how they are feeling since their energy healing session, and their chemotherapy treatment schedules, so we can determine how often energy healings are needed, etc.

All information shared is confidential.

For more detail on what a session is like with me, please read my pinned post.

I feel a bright future for what I see as a potential solution to many of the side effects of chemotherapy.

If you or someone you know is enduring chemotherapy and would like to have the potential for feeling better during the treatments, and who also desires to help me with these studies, please message me via Facebook or email me at

I'll also eventually post an updated blog on results and findings. So stay tuned!

Thank you and please share far and wide!

Your Root Chakra - Stay Connected!


I think I just discovered my root chakra!

Do you sometimes feel like you have too much energy flowing through you? Or that its totally controlling you? How about a random, flighty feeling as though you are walking a bit off the ground?

You might -like me – realize that you are not as connected to the ground beneath your feet as you thought! Sure, your feet are physically and firmly planted on the ground, but I’m talking about the unseen energetic connection.

Our chakra system allows the energy of the Earth and the Ethers to extend through to us in our physical being, providing the opportunity for health and well-being, as well as a connection to both.

The power of the root, or first chakra – located at the base of the spine - allows us to feel very rooted in our human physicality, in our security and truly a part of the Earth.

If you have been feeling a bit disconnected lately, possibly you could use a good dose of grounding this chakra. Here’s a wonderful short meditation - that did just this - helping me feel calmer, centered and connected!

And I’m including a link for connecting in with and further experiencing your chakra system and the power behind it when you do!

Check out Chakra Mantras for more detail!

The Most Powerful Energy Boost!


Nature – a personalized power pack of energy right in front of you! Recently I found myself feeling ungrounded, floaty and almost nauseous.

Turns out I realized that this nature girl hadn't been “naturized” for about a week!

So, I packed up my bike and spent the entire day journeying through places I didn’t know existed.

And to top off an incredible day outdoors, I was offered a series of fortunate events that led me to the pinnacle of my day – visiting a National Wildlife Refuge that is nearly in my back yard.

These refuges are not just any nature experience. They are huge expanses of wildness that reach far and wide. With them you are taken to experience their full glory, getting swallowed up in emotion.

I’ve never felt so energized and connected to the great beauty of our Earth. It was made even more powerful that I was now experiencing - for the first time - a real prairie in my mid-western home state. Today, few remain.

Three days later, I still felt incredibly energized from that day-long experience!

I highly recommend a National Wildlife Refuge near you, for what is a truly jaw-dropping, humbling and tremendously reconnecting experience. Look one up near you, and visit soon!

Working to Solve the Migraine Problem



I'm offering 15 people - who suffer from migraines - a free distance energy healing session as part of a study I’m completing!

If you, or someone you know, typically suffer from migraines on a regular basis, and are interested in participating, please contact me. I’ll then communicate with you further, however, in the meantime, reading the "What to Expect" in the "Services" section on my page will be helpful too!

In being one of the 15, you’ll help me complete an informal study of short distance healing sessions of approximately 15-20 minutes in length.

In exchange for the free session, you agree to provide me feedback on a regular basis over the next one to two months after your session, so that I may gather information.

These sessions have already helped rid migraines from a few of my clients. However, I’d like to expand this to learn more, before I offer it as a service option in Purple Rain Healing!


Discover All of You - Mind, Body & SOUL!


The entirety of who we are is mind, body and Soul! Yet, so many of us often forget - or don’t even consider - that we have “higher self” or spirit component to our being.  And we barely consider the journeys this part of us may have had along the way!

But all of that changed for me, as I experienced the knowing of who I am at the Spirit or Soul level, through working with Soul Nurse, DeeDee Metcalf.

The session was truly life-changing! It was as though, this very large missing piece of the puzzle, helped knit together the learning and knowing of myself – mind, body and this time - Soul!

If you too want to more fully understand yourself in totality, let the Soul Nurse access your Akashic Records! You will gain knowledge of who you are at a Soul level, while she removes blocks and restrictions from your life!


Purify Yourself With Energy Cleansing!


Today I'm sharing simple, healthful tips on energy cleansing so you can feel the purest version of yourself!  Maybe you already energy cleanse regularly, or instead, you might be wondering what in the world I’m talking about!  

So what is energy cleansing and why do it?                                                                                                                   
Basically, it’s as simple as making sure that you are living in your own beautiful energy field and not retaining the energy of other people you’ve been around during the day.   

All day long, our bodies take in and give out energy. This is just the natural state of things. However, the energy that you take in, can range from very energizing to extremely debilitating. 

 You’ve surely known someone, who - when around them - light up the room and ignite everyone else to an almost super-charged state!                                                                                                                            
But we’ve also felt those who drain us and seem to literally pull our own energy from us, leaving us tired and in need of a break!                                                                        

It doesn’t mean these people are “good” or “bad”. It’s just that the energy they carry with them that day, is affecting you. And you are doing the same to them, whether they know it or not.                                                                                                                        
But, there are ways to reclaim your own pure energy state. So, today I share a few of my favorites, and that I can’t imagine being without.  In fact, my view is that you can make up your own method, as it’s all about intent!                                                                                                                             

  •  My number one favorite is the Epson and Himalayan salt baths. (I pick up big containers at Tuesday Morning – my “go to” for Himalayan salt.)  I use about one fourth cup Himalayan with half cup Epson salt, soaking for at least 20 minutes. If you can’t muster 20 minutes for a bath, mix the two salts together in a jar, and as you get into the shower, apply the salt all over and let it sit for a minute or two. You’ll start to feel tingly all over. Then after a few minutes, rinse it off. 


  •  I didn’t know anything about wands, until I went to my first metaphysical expo last year!  Now I’m hooked on “Ra Moonhawk Wands” who you can find on Facebook. Not only are they pieces of art, but they can be used to cleanse the energies of your body.                                                                                                  

I prefer my selenite wand, which I slowly move from head to abdomen using my left hand, then right hand, then both hands straight in front of my body. I can literally feel the energy being pulled out from the strength of the selenite. Our friends -the gems and stones of Earth- have incredible power and help us cleanse our energy, as well as give it to us!                                                                                                                              

  •  I love to sage my house. I owned a huge bag of sage for years, never doing anything with it. Then as I began to understand more about energy, I realized I could use it to cleanse my house. I used to think it was just a bunch of "hoo-ha", but now I’m a believer!                  

You don’t have to buy sage bundles, although they are convenient. Instead, I just burn a small amount of sage in a little jar and walk around my entire house about once a week, clearing the air. You can make a little ceremony of it too. When complete, it’s as though a cloud lifted and re-energized everything, again back to a clear pure feeling!                                                                                                                                 
 I hope you find this post useful, while encouraging you to learn more about the refreshing habit of energy cleansing, for your own health and well-being!