Working to Solve the Migraine Problem



I'm offering 15 people - who suffer from migraines - a free distance energy healing session as part of a study I’m completing!

If you, or someone you know, typically suffer from migraines on a regular basis, and are interested in participating, please contact me. I’ll then communicate with you further, however, in the meantime, reading the "What to Expect" in the "Services" section on my page will be helpful too!

In being one of the 15, you’ll help me complete an informal study of short distance healing sessions of approximately 15-20 minutes in length.

In exchange for the free session, you agree to provide me feedback on a regular basis over the next one to two months after your session, so that I may gather information.

These sessions have already helped rid migraines from a few of my clients. However, I’d like to expand this to learn more, before I offer it as a service option in Purple Rain Healing!