Share The Spotlight

Our light shines brighter as we offer freely to others

our gifts of knowledge and experience from our own

spiritual journey!

"Share the spotlight

with those who come your way.

This offers you the chance

to assist others along their path,

while learning from you.

So, give of your light and learnings

in glorious abundance

and in partnership,

to the souls who seek you.

For doing so will

shine your light brighter,

so others too may find

greater ease as they search

for their own light

in this time of heavenly grace."

The LightKeepers/Carolyn Zaiser

The Winds Of Time

"The winds of time blow across your face

freezing you often into a place

of fear and worry and strife.

Yet, when the sun shines bright one day

and you meet its most holy gaze,

suddenly you start to soften within.

For a quaking it is

when the great waking up takes hold,

where the sun shines once more

to offer you new growth

along your way of this great change within.

The thaw of the soul you see now begins."

The LightKeepers/Carolyn Zaiser

The Quest Of Your Soul

"Sink your teeth into this life

and choose with abandon

the way forward.

Make this the quest of your soul,

as you grasp for all you can

in the glory of this life, that is yours."

The LightKeepers/Carolyn Zaiser

December Solstice - A Time For Renewal!

The December Solstice is upon us!

Spend at least 5 minutes in the next couple days in gratitude for the times to come!

"Knocking on your door -

it is the Solstice to explore.

The days to come - opportunities galore -

if you step through the gateway of your own,

not waiting for another to open the door.

For the light upon your face today

for some of you grows longer too.

And others move into quieter times -

less light you find in your day.

But when you enter inside

the greater of the Solstice-

a holy time too-

you slip into another place.

And bring gratitude for what you’ll find.

Now you know the past has brought you here.

All you have felt and many tears,

those who have come your way and

others have left in your day.

Times of your life and magic too.

Would you have ever thought

this could happen to you?

And yet, squeezed through the knothole,

you have been - again and again.

Rounding a corner now you do

with the rest of the collective too.

Looking forward to times

that offer you a different light -

a pathway to the greater of You.

Now the door opens,

and with a question – what will you now do,

with what the Solstice brings to you?”

The LightKeepers/Carolyn Zaiser

A Special Offer For You!

This year, give something unique to those on your holiday gift giving list! Or gift yourself!

Through December 23rd, take advantage of the 10% discount off a single session of my Channeled Personal Messages (Zoom or phone) and/or Spiritual Awakening Guidance Sessions!

I’ll also create a beautiful gift card for you to send as well!

These sessions offer personal conversation and in-the-moment questions with me as I channel our Spirit Teams to work with us as we journey through the individual’s life, including discussing past, present and future situations they wish to have more insight on.

The Spiritual Awakening Guidance Sessions are structured similarly, but typically focus on the uniqueness of the Spiritual Awakening journey.

These single sessions are also a great introduction to what it’s like to work with me, and at a special limited time rate!

For more detail check out my website at and contact me by completing the form by clicking the “Contact” button or email

Mention the special holiday offer and I’ll reply within 24 hours!

The Little Things

How we can take the little things for granted!

“With each day begin in your way

to find even the smallest thing that brings joy.

And then let it be the first of many moments

you feel inside that brings you lightness of mind.

So often it is that humans in their way

look for only the larger than life magnificent things

to shock them into joy, it seems.

But when you look at it differently,

all around you’ll see that

each to their own- the little things -

bring more wonderment than you know

as you look at their simplicity,

and the joy that they offer

in continuous flow.”

The LightKeepers/Carolyn Zaiser

Saltwater Of The Lands


As we let tears flow we release cellular memory from our past lives - traumas, experiences held in for eons - that do not serve us!

In these changing times, lean into your emotions, and give yourself space and quiet time to process them, allowing the tears to shed.

Crying is a major way our body clears - and yet - often we suppress letting this divine water flow!

So let it go, and let them flow!

Be Gentle In These Times


May you each know the importance of self-care during these every changing times!

So remember - first and foremost - be good to YOU!

“Be gentle with yourself

during these times.

Often the human

can push beyond the lines

of what the soul wishes, we say,

for your own good in your day.

For you at times,

are your worst enemy, we say.

Distractions that come

from your own self today

are more marked than

what most others do to you in your day.

And when you sink into these times,

of pressuring yourself

from your human mind

you negate the beauty of the soul, we say too,

that wishes to offer flow to you.

So, give yourself grace along this journey in time,

for your path will be brighter most certainly we find.

And know that when you lighten up on you

so much else around you will too.”

The LightKeepers/Carolyn Zaiser

What Is "Spiritual Awakening"? A Go-To Article For You!

If you’ve read my “About” page and see that I went through a life changing experience called “Spiritual Awakening” - that also helped birth Purple Rain Healing - you may be wondering what this all means!

And if you are reading this, it’s very likely you are here because you may be experiencing the start of this incredible consciousness raising experience!

So rather than reinvent in my words what Spiritual Awakening is, I’m posting this article - Spiritual Awakening: 23 Major Signs + Symptoms - from written by Aletheia Luna.

The article is well done and her site includes many more helpful articles about this life changing process!

I hope you find it helpful!


Why Not You Too?

In this highly energetic time that we are flowing from - Lion's Gate Aug 8th - we are now in a place to be taken to a higher vibration in our journey.

And with this, there is much shift and change to come in our own individual journey, as well as collectively.

But know that what comes your way is here to assist you forward in finding the full freedom meant for your soul in this lifetime.

Lean in, surrender and trust that all that comes your way is for your higher good, as well as the collective of humankind!

Aug 14 Post.png

Where The Sun Shines


“Sunlight, my love,
the smile on your face it is -
seen often, but not enough these days.

You bring your tears to
shine like dewdrops
and light the way of these times.

And these tears -
they do open doors.
Peer through the keyhole
to the place in your soul
where the Sun shines every day,
unlocking you now,
as it brings grace into your heart.

Let the light in,
bring your face high above.
It’s rays you become,
shining for all to see,
to honor the One in you,
and the Sun.
Now again, smile you do.”

The LightKeepers/Carolyn Zaiser

Living Your Life!


I've realized, even more recently, how truly courageous and adventurous we all are for choosing to live this human life!

"You play your life

by choosing delights

and often plights,

yet face it head on,

smiling as you go along.

At times, tears all day long.

But knowing that this is

your life you make,

trial and error

and success - more if you dare.

For it is true,

the wholeness of you is in

taking charge of what is yours –

this life that is here.

Your time now to breathe

and make your voice heard,

in the way that is yours.

And when the choices come your way,

know that it is for you

to feel your way across this time,

living life out loud and not sublime."

The LightKeepers/Carolyn Zaiser

The Times To Come - June Solstice!

Here we are with the June Solstice on our doorstep - already on Sunday!

Be sure to pend a bit of time making an intention for yourselves for the months to come!

These are highly energetic times to take us into the remainder of the year - a powerful time of individual and collective transformation.

See what you wish for you in your journey and know it can be!

Happy June Solstice!

“Where you find yourself today
will not be where you are tomorrow.

For change is coming soon to all of humankind.
The great solstice and so.

For it will not be denied of the shift and change
that has come the way for the brighter times ahead.

You understand more than you know,
so open up the divine heart and soul of you.

Dig deep and go inside,
for this is where have all the answers lie in time.

You know the way forward of humankind to brighter days.

And yet you also see the reason
for the pathway you must all tread too.
For constructs are broken down,
and grassroots efforts are what build the new in your day.

As the walls come tumbling down
of old energy that has abounded,
others will be working in their way
to quickly create a new world in time.

Understand how this may look to the common human eye,
but it is mystery and magic that will further unwind
what no longer serves humankind.

Stay strong and take in this energy in your way.
For you are here to build and to birth the new human,
through you - the Awakened ones - we say.”

The LightKeepers/Carolyn Zaiser

The Magic All Around!


Remember the magic in you and all around!

“Don’t let them

-those who say they know-

tell you that magic is not so.

For as you consider

your life brought from the stars,

isn’t it the most magical by far?

And yes, it comes with difficulty too

during the life journey, often, it is true.

But look more closely even at you -

a miracle you are standing there.

Magic happened to bring you here

in this body that you have -

regardless of the trials it has seen.

Just know that you are a work of art,

brought together by stardust afar.

Now here you live and breathe and feel

the preciousness of life instilled

by this journey that you make.

And then you begin to remember too,

looking outside of the magic that is you.

The crystals of light that speak, they do,

and gods and goddesses were real too.

The dragons and the mermaids from the seas,

loving beings from planets afar to be -

partners by your side they are.

Angels and guides on hand, you see

asking you to call on them, if you please.

All of this begins to feel mystical in your way.

For it is, and never let it be contained

or hidden again from your sight,

for all the magic of this journey

now begins with might.”

The LightKeepers/Carolyn Zaiser