The Times To Come - June Solstice!

Here we are with the June Solstice on our doorstep - already on Sunday!

Be sure to pend a bit of time making an intention for yourselves for the months to come!

These are highly energetic times to take us into the remainder of the year - a powerful time of individual and collective transformation.

See what you wish for you in your journey and know it can be!

Happy June Solstice!

“Where you find yourself today
will not be where you are tomorrow.

For change is coming soon to all of humankind.
The great solstice and so.

For it will not be denied of the shift and change
that has come the way for the brighter times ahead.

You understand more than you know,
so open up the divine heart and soul of you.

Dig deep and go inside,
for this is where have all the answers lie in time.

You know the way forward of humankind to brighter days.

And yet you also see the reason
for the pathway you must all tread too.
For constructs are broken down,
and grassroots efforts are what build the new in your day.

As the walls come tumbling down
of old energy that has abounded,
others will be working in their way
to quickly create a new world in time.

Understand how this may look to the common human eye,
but it is mystery and magic that will further unwind
what no longer serves humankind.

Stay strong and take in this energy in your way.
For you are here to build and to birth the new human,
through you - the Awakened ones - we say.”

The LightKeepers/Carolyn Zaiser