Dig Deep


As we enter a new month and season, this feels a good way to recognize our own growth and change!

“Who are you to find?

A bright light you are of the divine.

Dim sometimes you feel,

but nevermore are you still.

The light is always there for you,

shimmering and waiting inside,

for you to dig deep too,

understanding the fullness of you.

Brought to the surface now in these times,

awakening you are to the metamorphosis too,

as deep inside you are becoming a new you.

But still, we say, this is the transformation -

the kind that brings you back to find

that this is who you have been all the time.

Only the human haze has kept you

from recognizing this within.

Now you begin to look at the whole of you-

knowing that you have always been

who you are finding, again, today.”

The LightKeepers/Carolyn Zaiser

Enter The Brightness


And Happy Equinox to all - regardless of whether you are going into Fall or Spring!

"Break free from the darkness of cold days.

It is time to enter the brightness,

taking in the sun across your face,

breathing forth the air into your lungs.

See now again, life for what it is -

a beautiful pallet of offerings,

as Spring rounds its corner."

The LightKeepers/Carolyn Zaiser

Brave The Days


You matter more than you know!

"Brave the days as you gather yourself

to shine your light - above all else -

through the smile of yours and eyes so bright.

Train your eye and senses delight

to those who need what you offer too

of what you have gained in these months long

of the past year that many say has "gone wrong".

You see, you know and feel it too

that the best for you to do

in these times of struggle in your way

is to lighten your step and know too

this is how new earth will be built – through you.

With the grace of each day

you wake up and feel your way

to shine a little brighter now too.

For you carry such greatness in you

to affect and sweep away more than you know

of negativity and hatred and sorrow of those

who feel like the world is about to explode.

For this is how it begins we say,

the raw need for the greatest change.

Yet, see it not for what it is, as many don’t,

but you do instead.

So, as you gather yourself in your way -

for you are human too and wonder some days –

know that you are the light that shines through

even the greatest darkness that comes out of the blue.

For it will come from your deep inside,

the new earth created in time.

And then at one time -oh yes all –

each will look to the other and say,

“how did we live any other way”?”

The LightKeepers/Carolyn Zaiser

Closer Hearts

The idea of "love" is so much more than we know!

And in these times, understanding this is more important than ever.


“Closer hearts you find

in these ever-changing,

but not understood times

of what is found in front of you,

all around and the collective too.

What we wish you to know

is that this is expansion

and how it happens and so.

Not just in frequency do you grow,

but as your heart opens

love bestows a deeper feeling

from you to another you’ll find,

if you let yourself sink into

the growing waves of love in time.

For when love is beating strong, it is true,

it adds to the higher frequency of you,

and is by far, the one thing in your way

that will more than save the day.

All around and ever so, the love frequency

is the easiest to share, and oh, so bold.

Takes a hold of another’s heart

and you’ll find, it makes up for loss of time

when love was more difficult to find.

For as you give the gentleness of you

and a bright smile or a word or two

to another soul in your way,

you change the vibration for everyone, we say.

Like a pebble thrown in a pond,

the ripples extend beyond.

But love moves in ways that increase more so,

building a connection quicker in time

across the wide expanse of humankind.

Even though you feel it may not last,

it does, and oh, if you could only see

the waves of vibration across the sea

of humankind that are affected too,

when you share even the smallest kindness in you.

The ripples move out from each action you take,

growing ever so into waves,

then turn into a larger force

of more that can then follow your course.

Joining with others in the undercurrent you’ll feel

a sense of something different in the air.

A mist that comes from the waves now too,

engulfing all that you do.

Each in their way, will feel it, we find,

living in the new energy of coming times

where swimming in the waters so deep

will be love for all and one to keep.”

The LightKeepers/Carolyn Zaiser

Shine Light Where The Darkness Begins


May you always find your highest light!

“Shine light where the darkness begins.

You see it all around you,

and yourself sometimes too -

the human way of emotion that fires

like a missile into the heart of another.

Shattering what was created of time

spent to get to know another soul in life.

But it is fiery heads and emotion too,

not managed by the soul of you,

but instead for the human to do.

For it is the human experience, we say,

to learn to feel your feelings

but not let them be the master

of you in your day.

For hearts break and bridges are burnt

over the slightest miswords.

And then what was built comes tumbling down

into dust on the ground.

Blown into the wind and nevermore

do you again find a way to the other’s door.

So, as you travel this journey wide,

know that the words you choose to respond

to those who break your heart open wide

and set themselves up for you to bid them goodbye-

what you leave them with can carry too,

into your high vibration, sinking you

into where the light becomes dim

and then the darkness engulfs you,

only so you can win.”

The LightKeepers/Carolyn Zaiser

Trade This Time, Would You?


In these unprecedented - and what often feels like chaotic times - we are each finding our way to a greater understanding of what it means to be part of the human collective.

And, with this comes finding a new stability for ourselves within these ever changing times!

“Trade this time now, would you?

Backward you go

to days not so long ago.

Wishing in place the times

that feel lost instead.”

Where did they go?

Or was humankind stuck and so,

head in the sand?

Not understanding the lessons at hand

that have been so long ignored.

For the soul inside of you implored

for a change of these times.

Now in front of you today,

is what collectively will pave your way.

But the struggle -

for many of you in time -

is to see yourself,

as not just you for you, we find.

And as you separate further

and arguments ensue,

the split comes.

Oh yes, you feel it too.

And yet backwards you will not go,

for this is the way through the knothole.

The knothole to squeeze in and out of this day.

You will collect yourself at times

and then just as quickly too,

shift into ways you wish not for you.

For you see beyond all knowing.

Deep within, you understand these times.

This is a natural process of raising consciousness,

where all will follow in your footsteps too.

Learning to prove as the example, you will do.

So, know that as you journey

through these days,

new times are coming your way.

And look back you will no more do,

for the bright light shines deeply in you

as you too, find your way.

A new era upon humankind

is at your doorstep today.”

The LightKeepers/Carolyn Zaiser

The Breath Of Sunshine


We all have the gift of guiding ourselves, as we learn to listen to that quiet voice from within!

Sing a song

of the joyous heart that you are.

You – the breath of sunshine –

no cloudy days for you,

as the soul offers its refreshment

to clear the skies in your way.

Deep within the music is there.

You hear it too.

So, listen and find the tune that suits you,

as your voice- among many- calls out.

Now led by the light of day,

as the song of the Sun

fills you from within.”

The LightKeepers/Carolyn Zaiser

The Gift

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Remember – YOU are the gift!

“Oh, your gifts you will wonder at times,
as you travel this awakening journey of life.
Will knowings come, or seeing too,
or hearing from the multitudes?

But sometimes you wonder
if any are meant for you.
Yet, still the magic you feel inside,
even if you don’t hear or see a thing in time.
For signs and messages have come your way
and you feel a greater shift and change.

Meant for all and all for one,
you know it is the change that has come
to you and all -
and yet, some more than most
will be the first to offer a toast.

So, enjoy knowing that you here
are the earlier ones come to offer cheer
for the gathering of others
following the steps in your way.
For this is the greatest gift you are given, we say -
being a Wayshower in humanity’s awakening today.”

The LightKeepers/Carolyn Zaiser

Joyous Voice


When this came through it really made me consider my own contributions!

"Joyous noise the voice can be.
Often too, needing more solitude.
Less of what comes
each day to your lips.
More of the silence within.

Speaking what you know
is an energetic message.
It bestows more than you know
and ever will see.
So, choose your words carefully.
For as you think a thought it can be
a thing quicker than you blink, you’ll see.

But now these days the power unfolds
of words spoken, oh so bold,
that carry through and create too
something you cannot remove.

An energetic wave it is too.
A chain reaction all around you.
Look and listen we say,
across the worldwide stage
how words have power to begin again
a beautiful song that all can sing
or, instead, strife in your way
when others follow those words today.

So, consider when you speak
and become one who knows
how to hold the tongue
for words that help and love and share,
a vibration the soul longs to hear."

The LightKeepers/Carolyn Zaiser


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We all have days when we let others impact us in ways that take us down the rabbit hole!

Here's some support for those trying times!

“Take the light from deep inside
and make up your mind to let it shine,
despite what seems you could never do
when others think you’re not good enough too.
Or that you can’t find your way
because you aren’t of their kind, they say.

Toss that aside and let it go.
Runaway to the light of your own soul.
Retreat within to the heart of you.
The spark of the Creator is deep inside.
There for you to find, again, in time.

Regardless of what others make you feel,
break loose and look them in the eye.
Know that you can be more
and do not shrink from them in time.

Only a lesson they are for you, we say,
to confront what keeps you, from you, always.
A stronger version of yourself you will be
now that you look the other way.

Running toward all that is true,
the deepest of your soul
where all answers lie too.
Here you find now you can be
all you ever wished, oh yes, you will see.”

The LightKeepers/Carolyn Zaiser

Give From The Heart Of You


There is no better time than now for this beautiful piece from Rumi to come through!

As mentioned in earlier postings, on the rare occasion, I receive his work through channeling. Enjoy!

"Your love is sown
in the deepest wells of your soul.
Dig now, into the furious depths
of the waters that flow your way.

Drop by drop,
you are filled until overflowing,
sharing one with another
to drink of the sustenance,
given from the heart of you."

Rumi/Carolyn Zaiser

The Energy We Are In Now! (Mastering Our Emotions)

Mastering our own emotions!

Wow - that's a tough one for most of us!

And before you know it we find ourselves down a "rabbit-hole" wondering who that person is in the mirror! :)

It goes without saying that we are in a unique energetic time across the world, allowing us to turn around and look at ourselves in a way we may never have done before.

Today, I share with you what most of us will experience - in one way or another - in the coming days during these rapidly changing times.

And with self-reflection comes understanding of how we are becoming the master of our own emotions in this human form!

I wish you well, now, today and forevermore!

Timelines - What To Know Now!

Have you felt like you are shifting timelines? And what does that even mean?! Or how would it even work?! :)

Celeste - my friend and colleague - and I were contemplating this lately, so we decided to discuss the whole idea of multiple timelines. And today we offer you what we channeled during our conversation!

As always we were surprised with what came through and learned something new - and hope you do too!

Thanks for joining us and be sure to Like, Share & Subscribe to my YouTube channel and keep up with our channeled messages!

The Ascension - What To Expect Now

We didn't expect this!

Join Celeste and me as we receive an update on the ascension and awakening journey, as well as tying up some loose ends for us!

We hope you take bits and pieces that might resonate for you in the puzzle you are putting together of your own journey!

And, if you want your own SOUL JOURNEY channeling with Celeste and me, check out Option 3 under Channeled Personal Messages on my website....



Creating You!

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The building of you begins every day!

"Find your place within
the world of your own creation.
The life of your dreams.

You - the alchemist of great knowing.
Finding your way again through time
to rebuild all that has been torn down.
All that was at once in your way.

But now you come again
to take the broken pieces -
those that you do not understand.
Piecing them together.
The puzzle of your existence.
To build upon and create what only you know
and what is in your immortal soul.
This journey of your own.

No one else.
For you are the creator or you.
The brilliance shining again, created from the dust.
The alchemist, found again in time."

The LightKeepers/Carolyn Zaiser

What Really Is Spiritual Awakening? (My Take & Experiences!)

If you are experiencing "Spiritual Awakening" there is little doubt that you know it's happening!

But how many of us have really considered what it is and how it defines itself as part of the soul journey in this lifetime?

Today, I offer you one of my recent YouTube videos where I share channeled information on this process that is nearly indescribable in human words.

Please join me today and if you enjoy - like, share and subscribe for more videos! Enjoy!