Trade This Time, Would You?


In these unprecedented - and what often feels like chaotic times - we are each finding our way to a greater understanding of what it means to be part of the human collective.

And, with this comes finding a new stability for ourselves within these ever changing times!

“Trade this time now, would you?

Backward you go

to days not so long ago.

Wishing in place the times

that feel lost instead.”

Where did they go?

Or was humankind stuck and so,

head in the sand?

Not understanding the lessons at hand

that have been so long ignored.

For the soul inside of you implored

for a change of these times.

Now in front of you today,

is what collectively will pave your way.

But the struggle -

for many of you in time -

is to see yourself,

as not just you for you, we find.

And as you separate further

and arguments ensue,

the split comes.

Oh yes, you feel it too.

And yet backwards you will not go,

for this is the way through the knothole.

The knothole to squeeze in and out of this day.

You will collect yourself at times

and then just as quickly too,

shift into ways you wish not for you.

For you see beyond all knowing.

Deep within, you understand these times.

This is a natural process of raising consciousness,

where all will follow in your footsteps too.

Learning to prove as the example, you will do.

So, know that as you journey

through these days,

new times are coming your way.

And look back you will no more do,

for the bright light shines deeply in you

as you too, find your way.

A new era upon humankind

is at your doorstep today.”

The LightKeepers/Carolyn Zaiser