energy update

March 2024 Ascension & Energy Update!

Join me for the March 2024 Ascension & Energy Update and the start of the new year 2024!

Thanks for watching! If you'd like to work with me or inquire about my services of spiritual awakening mentoring, distance energy healing and/or personalized channeled messages sessions, contact me at

Where You Find Yourself

“Where you find yourself today

is not where you will be tomorrow.

Graced with presence of knowing,

the light within guides you along,

bringing forth experiences into your day

unlike the times before.

No planning, only knowing.

Flowing through your day,

as the gentle breeze

brings to you all awareness,

that surrender is your best option

to enjoy the time of your life,

presented before you.

Easing into this knowing,

brings a flow of thought and

a letting go that cannot

be found in any other way.

Human concerns aside,

you now move

in an endless stream

of experiences brought to you.

Guided by the unseen.

Feeling rather than thinking.

Knowing rather than searching.

The days float on as the concern

of the next moment is no longer.

Knowing all is well and good,

as you follow the light of all.

Here to guide you eternally forward -

the heart of you –

your soul in time.”

The LightKeepers/Carolyn Hass Zaiser

Stillness Of Mind

“Stillness of mind

comes from the quiet time.

Now more than you know

this is the time to let go

and be in the space in your way

that feels as you stepped into a chasm today.

And we say - you have, we find.

But this is more than just what in human time

is seen as boredom or anxious about

of what the mind knows not what to do without

or knowing what is to come next and how.

It is instead the shifting you find -

what some have called “the ascending times”

from, oh yes, the human mind.

Where all is chaotic often, we say,

and your head whips around

as you blaze your way

to and fro, unconsciously too.

But this is not your heaven's due.

For you now find within

how to stay conscious or become to begin

in a time that has changed so too

of what you were used to relying on for you.

This is the opportunity now where

all of human consciousness is spared

and overcoming more of the way

the mind worked before.

Now it will be open to explore

something new in how you see

and you begin to think no longer unconsciously.

From this you will see more now too

of what you have long missed as you

calmly take new steps forward today.

One more the next and really feel your way

through these times that come now too -

graced from the heavens above for you.

It cannot be seen right now, today,

how this time will be looked back on and you’ll say -

“never again will we see those times, for now

we all live from our consciousness

of the deep soul inside.”

The LightKeepers/Carolyn Hass Zaiser

February 2024 Ascension & Energy Update

Join me for the February 2024 Ascension & Energy Update and a continued look at 2024!

Thanks for watching! If you'd like to work with me or inquire about my services of spiritual awakening mentoring, distance energy healing and/or personalized channeled messages sessions, contact me at

Join The Heart

“Join the heart of yours that finds

love for all of humankind.

Deep within you see it true -

the connection you have -

and how you miss it too.

Now as you remember

those days - not far ago -

of gatherings and others' smiling eyes,

hugs and laughter together in time,

you see more clearly

as dust settles from your eyes.

For covered up your vision, it has been,

one way or another, at times.

Not separate are you -

or ever have you been -

from those of you, for all are kin.

And now you find a somber mood

of missing what can often be

taken for granted what was only yesterday.

This it is - the divine light in all - we say,

and how you are connected

at the hip, forever and always.

Missing you do and understanding now,

how the joy of life is brought about and how

by loving and sharing and opening to

those near and far away from you.

And now the learning comes in time,

to see the depth of knowing

a new path forward there will be in time

and love will exude from the

depth of the soul inside.

A new golden age you will build you see.

For this is the start of realizing today,

that One for all and all for One

is what humankind has become,

when heaven on earth will be brought to see

through the eyes of you each

to those in your day.

And now never again forgetting heavens love,

offered with grace from above,

seen through eyes of those in your way

as you now and again remember today.”

The LightKeepers/Carolyn Hass Zaiser

Can You See?

“Can you see,

or often instead

blind of the little things

taken for granted?

And when things come

crashing to the ground,

the thread you hang onto

is bound and tethered to you.

But hang onto it, oh yes, you do.

Then you realize

how less independent

you really are too,

and not far from others in your way.

For all of you are connected

more deeply than you can imagine today.

And when destruction comes your way

you see it and come together -

no more one alone are you today.

The true nature of you

quickly arises – the One Soul of you

that fills the human with gratitude

for the things you may not have, we say,

even if for a short time in your day.

Yet how quickly too you can forget

when your days return, blue skies again -

until the next storm.

So, learn from these times we say.

Never forget you are One in your way

of those you find on the path with you.

And we ask you, never let gratitude

for the ways you have of being today

to slip through your hands

like grains of sand.

Instead look deeply too at all around you -

the little things you find

you took for granted.

But not this time.

The people in your way,

calling you today

to join in too,

finding all of the multitudes

singing praises of gratitude.”

The LightKeepers/Carolyn Hass Zaiser

January 2024 Ascension & Energy Update!

Join me for the January 2024 Ascension & Energy Update and the start of the new year 2024! Thanks for watching!

If you'd like to work with me or inquire about my services of spiritual awakening mentoring, distance energy healing and/or personalized channeled messages sessions, contact me at

When South Turns To North

Oh, the joy of life when all is good and well.

The bitterness not tasted and instead

only the sweetness of the flower of life.

Expected it can be that all of life’s journey will be this way -

overflowing with laughter and love

and all the rightness in one’s world that could ever be.

Yet then, south turns to north and the winds swirl you away,

your direction is lost, and nothing is there to see

of what you once felt of the times of your life.

Then it is often when gratefulness ceases in one’s way.

Often found is only a disturbed view of this journey of yours.

What then of gratitude?

Might instead one find that within the fullness of life it is not

just the moments of bliss that count,

but also, the ones that come your way

of breaking you down into pieces you didn’t know you had.

Crumbled into dust.

Broken, lying in your own way.

What to make of what is to come?

And then with new eyes in this time of great light

you begin to see that in the breaking down

comes the seed of new birth in your way.

Struggling to come to terms with your plight,

growing out of the experience over time,

to one day see how the new day of dawn,

the joys that come again,

were there all along, growing out

of and the darkness of those times.

Now, it begins, life-long looking back,

grateful for all that was.”

The LightKeepers/Carolyn Hass Zaiser

November 2023 Ascension & Energy Update

Join me for the November 2023 Ascension & Energy Update and a continued glimpse of 2023 to come!

Thanks for watching! If you'd like to work with me or inquire about my services of spiritual awakening mentoring, distance energy healing and/or personalized channeled messages sessions, contact me at

The Whole Of You

“The whole of you is not what you see.

More than you can imagine –

the wonder of the rest of you

that goes unseen.

Sometimes likes and desires you have.

But where did they come from – do you know?

Not this lifetime that you sow.

And what of how you feel, we say,

about things with no frame of reference this day?

Contained all it is within you,

the storehouse - the library - deep inside too.

This it is, your DNA, every memory forever in time.

Listed and coded deep inside,

in each of your cells, you’ll find.

For as you join the awakened too,

more of this library is made conscious to you.

Knowledge is unlocked and unleashed in ways

you could never imagine today.

Lives you’ve lived and memories too.

Drawing inspiration in this life you do.

And now at times, glimpses you see

of how you are human made.

So, know that you are more than you see.

For it is written deep in your DNA.

All of you that has ever been

the storehouse of you to access within.”

The LightKeepers/Carolyn Hass Zaiser

Where Are You?

Where are you when we call?

Lost in your own dreams, far away.

Left to the human world

to twist and turn you from the outside in.

Now though, the silence inside calls your mind

to change it up and find your way again.

Back to truth you’ll see,

when you wind your way

through the crevices of your mind.

Bringing you to knowing what the silence

offers you from the deep inside.

For when there is nothing, there is all.

Knowings come, expansion of you,

allowing centeredness.

A window to the outside

instead of a wide-open door,

where all rushes in.

For as you are within,

so you are without.

Reclaiming for you, now today,

the soul journey of all time.”

The LightKeepers/Carolyn Hass Zaiser

Create From Within

"Create from within your life to be.

For you are the one who holds the key.

Breaking through space and time,

the human constructs too, we find.

Nothing holds you back today,

even familial roots

or difficult experiences you have seen.

For they are all learning tools

to launch you out of the human stew.

Now you begin to transcend and see

all of which you are made of today.

And that what you wish for your future too -

this beautiful incarnation you came to do -

is created from the inside out of you

not the outside in, we say.

So, center yourself and always know

while you observe situations that are sown,

it is how you choose them, we say,

and what your reactions are in your day

that now present you with choices too –

of what you will create out of it too.

Your life is your own always, we say.

Keep this in mind as you forge your path

and memories in your way.

Create now from this you do,

as these times awaken in you."

The LightKeepers/Carolyn Hass Zaiser

September 2023 Ascension & Energy Update!

Join me for the September 2023 Ascension & Energy Update and our Merkabah Magic happening now....and a continued glimpse of 2023 to come!

Fly Free

"Release, fly free.

Imprisoning yourself you do.

The jail cell of your mind.

Tight control you have.

Grab the key and run.

For you now understand -

you are both the prisoner

and the jail keeper.

Choose which you will be.

Let yourself go, fly free."

The LightKeepers/Carolyn Hass Zaiser

August 2023 Ascension & Energy Update -Lion's Gate, Ride The Wave, Divine Light Streaming In & More!

Join me for the August 2023 Ascension & Energy Update and a continued glimpse of 2023 to come!

Thanks for watching! If you'd like to work with me or inquire about my services of spiritual awakening mentoring, distance energy healing and/or personalized channeled messages sessions, contact me at

July 2023 Ascension & Energy Update!

Join me for the July 2023 Ascension & Energy Update and a continued glimpse of 2023 to come! Thanks for watching!

If you'd like to work with me or inquire about my services of spiritual awakening mentoring, distance energy healing and/or personalized channeled messages sessions, contact me at

Where Do You Find Love?

“Where do you find the love

comes from for you -

outside yourself,

or deep within you?

Brought to the surface in this day,

the great shift and change helps you

think about how you feel for yourself today.

For the core of love

is how you look at yourself

in your way.

Deeper than the rivers wide

and the oceans' strongest tide,

you will find the soul of you

speaks volumes about your love that is true.

And when you see it for yourself so strong -

a journey it is each day long -

you will then overflow it too.

For so much will have already

been given from you to you.

The love that you now sow in yourself

multiplies in time, greater than imagined

to share with others your divine.

Now you offer to others in ways you

could never have imagined in time.

For when you fill your cup first too,

and drink it fully, there is aplenty

to give to others of your heart so true."

The LightKeepers/Carolyn Hass Zaiser

June 2023 Solstice Energy Update! ("Bullet Train", Creating The Dream, Imagine & More!)

Join me for a look at the June 2023 Solstice energies and a beautiful message from The LightKeepers too!

The Wind In The Willows

“The wind in the willows

sweeps across your face,

dusting you with its touch.

Head held high,

let it brush against you

to feel the unseen.

Often, gentleness touches you

with warmth against the skin,

as it breezes by.

Love you do then,

the wind you find.

Though, soon enough

time changes

and it briskly moves -

a chill to the bones

as you wish it away.

No home then

for the wind in time.

Yet, instead, might you feel it

in every season.

Never blind

to the grace and ease

yet, brutal force you find

of the invisible kind.

For the wind calls you

and yet to yourself as well.

So much unseen in it,

as you have too.

Let the wind in the willows

guide you home.”

The LightKeepers/Carolyn Hass Zaiser

June 2023 Ascension & Energy Update!

Join me for the channeled June 2023 Ascension & Energy Update and a continued glimpse of 2023 to come!