Create From Within

"Create from within your life to be.

For you are the one who holds the key.

Breaking through space and time,

the human constructs too, we find.

Nothing holds you back today,

even familial roots

or difficult experiences you have seen.

For they are all learning tools

to launch you out of the human stew.

Now you begin to transcend and see

all of which you are made of today.

And that what you wish for your future too -

this beautiful incarnation you came to do -

is created from the inside out of you

not the outside in, we say.

So, center yourself and always know

while you observe situations that are sown,

it is how you choose them, we say,

and what your reactions are in your day

that now present you with choices too –

of what you will create out of it too.

Your life is your own always, we say.

Keep this in mind as you forge your path

and memories in your way.

Create now from this you do,

as these times awaken in you."

The LightKeepers/Carolyn Hass Zaiser