The Wind In The Willows

“The wind in the willows

sweeps across your face,

dusting you with its touch.

Head held high,

let it brush against you

to feel the unseen.

Often, gentleness touches you

with warmth against the skin,

as it breezes by.

Love you do then,

the wind you find.

Though, soon enough

time changes

and it briskly moves -

a chill to the bones

as you wish it away.

No home then

for the wind in time.

Yet, instead, might you feel it

in every season.

Never blind

to the grace and ease

yet, brutal force you find

of the invisible kind.

For the wind calls you

and yet to yourself as well.

So much unseen in it,

as you have too.

Let the wind in the willows

guide you home.”

The LightKeepers/Carolyn Hass Zaiser