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“6 Tips To Create Flow In Your Body For Health & Wellness” from my distance energy healing work!

Services Summary 

Offering distance energy healing, channeled personal messages and spiritual awakening mentoring.

Below you will find an overview of my service options! 

Be sure to read the full description of each option too. Just select the “Click Here” in each service listed below to learn more, schedule a session or ask me questions.

Distance Energy Healing/Channeling Session -This session option focuses on full body and mind work for multiple physical/emotional situations and includes extensive channeled personal messages. These documents run an average of 9 pages of information meant just for you! Click Here for detail!

Communication is included with me before and after the session and about the content of your document, if desired. This may be completed online or over the phone.  I also offer personal conversations to stay in touch with your progress. 

Channeled Personal Messages This session is perfect if you are specifically interested in the powerful personalized channeled messages coming from a conversation that I facilitate with your Spirit Team. These documents run an average of 8 pages of information specifically for you!

Included in this offering is your input as part of the conversation, including situations and questions you have about your life journey.

Click Here for detail! 

Spiritual Awakening Guidance & Support  – Join me in a guidance and support single session where I assist you during your awakening journey.  You’ll also have the benefit of personalized channeled information that often comes through. Click Here for detail!


 One-on-One Spiritual Awakening Mentoring - This service is for longer term support as you journey through your spiritual awakening experience.

Work one-on-one with me as your personal mentor and guide while receiving the additional benefit of personalized channeled information that often comes through.

Limited spaces are available, Click Here to learn more and to complete the application.